Today, Humanities and STEM had engineering. We learned about the engineering design process and started a ping-pong ball launcher project. Students learned how to use the design process, create deconstruction diagrams, concept combination tables, and interaction matrices to generate alternative designs and select the best design based on their selected criteria and set requirements!

Project description- We need to build a Ping-Pong ball launcher. It should be able to accurately and repeatedly launch a Ping-Pong ball from the top of the lab table and hit a 2”x 2” target placed by the instructor on the floor. The target will be placed randomly in a 3ft range that you’ll provide to the instructor. You’ll figure out your comfortable 3ft range by experimenting in a future lab.

Your design must be able to withstand repeated launches. The accuracy and repeatability are more important than how far it can throw the ball. Think about velocity and the angle of launch. A good design can launch the ball at consistent launch angle and consistent launch velocity. Your design should have some MEASURABLE adjustable parameter/setting by which you can adjust  the  angle/velocity  to  hit  a  desired  distance.  The  design should have a range of at least 3 feet in which it can hit the specified targets. The three feet range can be anywhere you choose.


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